
Developing an Effective Onboarding Program

Recorded Webinar | Diane L. Dee | From: Jun 26, 2023 - To: Dec 31, 2023

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Why is proper onboarding so important? Your organization, and the applicants who want you to hire them, invest a great deal of time and resources in the hiring process.

During the selection stage, the hiring manager will make the decision to extend an offer of employment with the assumption that the applicant will fit in and be an effective performer who is satisfied with the position and committed to your organization.

The applicant accepts a job based on the same assumption. It follows, then, that onboarding is an important subsequent step in solidifying those decisions. It increases the likelihood of achieving the organization's expected outcomes, i.e., effective job performance, job satisfaction, and commitment to your organization.

An effective employee handbook outlines the benefits and responsibilities of the employment relationship. The purpose of the handbook is much more complex and powerful than employers may realize. A solid onboarding program assists organizations in attracting and retaining top talent, engaging employees early on, boosting business growth, building trust and alignment, forging connections with employees, encouraging open communication, and decreases turnover.

Sounds easy to achieve, right? The reality is successfully onboarding new hires for long-term happiness and productivity can be extremely challenging. A successful new hire orientation process requires planning, execution, and follow-up of learning experiences with the new employee from the first contact. And the process doesn't end there. Ongoing interaction with the new employee is essential.

Organizations could also experience additional challenges when developing an effective onboarding program. These challenges include preparation costs to the inability to personalize training and orientation. Don't short-change your new hires, and your organization, by not taking the time to develop a successful onboarding program in order to effectively welcome new hires onboard.

Areas Covered:-

  • At-Will Protections
  • Hiring
  • Employee Classifications
  • Work Hours
  • Pay Policies
  • Company Property
  • Leaves of Absence & Time Off
  • Workplace Behavior
  • Health & Safety
  • Employee Privacy
  • Computers, Email, and the Internet
  • Drugs & Alcohol
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Discrimination & Harassment
  • Complaint Policies
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Ending Employment

Why You Should Attend:-

Employee orientation is the process of introducing employees to their new jobs and work environments. Orientation provides an opportunity for new employees to become acclimated to their new company, department, colleagues, and work expectations. Research has supported the idea that effective onboarding can have a dramatic effect on job performance and satisfaction, organizational commitment, and retention. Recent evidence also suggests that a poor organizational socialization process can result in a new hire's emotional exhaustion and job burnout.

It is important to make sure the employment relationship starts off on the right foot since the first experiences of a new employee in your organization are critical.

If executed correctly, a successful onboarding program will maximize your new employees' understanding of their specific roles and responsibilities, boost their confidence, and help them to become active and welcome participants in your organization and its unique culture. This webinar will outline the steps to developing an effective employee orientation program that will lay the foundation for new employees' entire careers.

Who Will Benefit:-

  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Senior Management
  • Managers & Supervisors