
Overtime Rules and Changes

Recorded Webinar | Dayna Reum | From: Sep 13, 2023 - To: Jan 31, 2024

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Overtime and the minimum wage have been a hot topic for the last several years, legislation almost went into in effect in 2017 but was stopped by several states coming forward with legal action. But new legislation was put into effect as of 1/1/2020, are you aware of the changes and are you in compliance with the new exempt requirements? Administrative conversation indicates that new overtime requirements will be coming any day, this webinar will be the most up-to-date based on the run date. Many states have also updated their overtime rules that are more generous to employees. This webinar will explain how the balance the federal overtime rules with the state overtime rules. The most up-to-date Overtime requirements and review legislative attempts to make sure employers have the correct overtime calculation.

Learning Objectives:-

  • Federal and State Minimum wage review to include most up-to-date changes
  • Discussion on how companies should handle minimum wage for states with higher rates then federal.
  • Current legislative activity and what it means to employers
  • Review Federal Overtime Requirements
    • Exempt vs. non-exempt
    • Overtime Concerns
    • Regular Rate of Pay why it is important and how to calculate
  • State Overtime Requirements
    • State-by-State Review
  • Details of federal regulation changes what are they and when we as employers need to be ready
  • Impacts of changes to companies and best practices on how to handle them