
Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

Recorded Webinar | Marcia Zidle | From: Mar 05, 2024 - To: Jan 01, 1970

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New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.  

However, most organizations promote productive employees and independent contributors into managerial positions based on their technical competence. Very often many fail to grasp how their roles have changed; that their jobs are no longer about their achievement but instead about empowering others to achieve; that sometimes driving the bus means taking a backseat: and that building a team is often more important than making a sale or updating software, or whatever their previous job entailed. Even the best new managers can have trouble adjusting to these new realities.

Yet great leadership skills don’t just show up with a job title. A talented employee who has been promoted to team lead, supervisor, or manager deserves to be given the proper tools to succeed in their new role. This boot camp will give them practical managerial skills they can immediately use back in their job.
It’s these managers and supervisors, on the front lines with your employees and customers, who have the collective power to make a real difference. To make that difference new managers need to be able to think and act as leaders. This webinar will start building your newly promoted managers into peak-performing leaders.


So, you’ve recently become a new manager or supervisor, or team leader. Making the leap from individual contributor to manager, from peer to supervisor, or from project manager to people leader is a big transition for anyone — no matter how intelligent or driven they are.

To be successful, new managers or recently promoted ones, must master three critical skills: to switch from relying on formal authority to establish credibility with their team or department members; from striving to control everything to building teamwork and accountability; and from managing tasks to leading people. Using the analogy of an orchestra, a new manager must move from being a talented violinist who concentrates on playing his or her instrument skillfully to being a conductor who coordinates the efforts of all the musicians. 

Therefore, what it takes to succeed as a new manager or supervisor is a matter of learning new ways of working and most importantly letting go of old ones – even if they have driven your career success up until now. New managers must also find new ways of deriving personal and career satisfaction from their work and measuring their success. This is a critical mental switch that effective managers must make. This webinar will provide skills and techniques for your newly promoted to successfully transition into this new role and become a peak performer.


Here’s how to build the leadership muscles of your newly promoted manager and supervisors. These seven topics will be covered in this webinar.

  • Identify the top 7 reasons why new leaders fail in their jobs; they sink rather than swim. 
  • Learn the 4 “Get to Knows”: The key tasks new managers must complete during their first 90- days. 
  • Review a case study of “teamwork in action”: How firefighters transform from work groups into effective winning teams. 
  • Discover the 5 keys from successful leaders to help new leaders ramp up quickly, take charge and get results.
  • Develop a plan of action for increasing your leadership skills and your team’s performance. 
  • Make sure you and your new boss are in sync regarding key responsibilities, priorities, and outcomes.
  • Understand the variety of work and people challenges confronting the new manager and how to deal with them.