I am the principal member of Nordlander CPA, PLLC, a boutique forensic accounting, and tax resolution firm.
As a former special agent with 20 years of experience, I have expertise in fraud investigations, forensic accounting, cryptocurrency, and criminal financial violations of the Internal Revenue Code and money laundering. I have testified in federal court proceedings about financial evidence and its conclusions.
I have also seized millions of dollars in assets in real estate, bank accounts, mutual funds, and vehicles by tracing their origins to criminal proceeds. I teach forensic accounting and investigative techniques in the United States and foreign countries as a certified field instructor.
Leadership positions include Cyber Crime Coordinator which is a subject matter expert for special agents in three states for detecting, investigating, and developing related cyber crimes, developing curriculum for further training, certified in tracing cryptocurrency using Chainalysis, being a liaison between the Cyber Crime Unit in DC and the Field, temporarily detailed to CCU in DC; On the Job Instructor for new special agents; Use of Force Coordinator for approximately 100 special agents in three states, which required supervision of firearms training, medical training, building entry, active shooter, and maintaining equipment for enforcement actions; Certified Field Instructor to develop curriculum, give presentations, and assess other instructors.
Also host of the "Fraud Fighter Podcast", where tips, techniques, training, and opportunities are discussed regarding fraud and forensic accounting www.fraudfighterpodcast.com